Our sales location and showroom is located in the beautiful old town of Sursee (LU).
"inspire Sursee" Unterstadt 5, CH-6210 Sursee (LU)

Our company specializes in the import, specialist advice and distribution of ceramic, glass, crystal, decorative and design items. We are one of the largest crystal importers and distributors in Switzerland.

The handmade and innovative quality products are traditionally manufactured and have been carefully selected for you.

Let yourself be inspired and find the perfect home accessory for your home or business.

Opening hours sales store Sursee (LU)

As the exhibitions and an active trade fair season has already started for us, our current opening hours in Sursee sales store are as follows:

12.02 (Mon) - 16.02 (Fri) - daily 14:00 - 18:00

**13.02 (Tue) - closed

**17.02 (Sat) - closed

19.02 (Mon) - 23.02 (Fri) - daily 14:00 - 18:00

24.02 (Sat) - 10:00 - 16:00

26.02 (Mon) - 01.03 (Fri) - daily 14:00 - 18:00

02.03 (Sat) - 10:00 - 16:00

*Public holidays/shortened opening hours

** Special opening hours

"inspire Sursee"
Unterstadt 5
6210 Sursee (LU)

Opening hours:
"If you only have time outside our opening hours. No problem, we will be happy to arrange a suitable appointment. The articles can then be viewed and/or purchased without obligation.

By telephone 0798002488 or by e-mail

Online orders.
Switzerland and Lichtenstein: Free delivery from 40CHF (CH+FL) within 2-3 working days.

Sursee region: Next day delivery guaranteed. "Ordered today, delivered tomorrow".

Self-collection via "Click & Collect" in sales store "inspire" Unterstadt 5 in 6210 Sursee. (Please note opening hours)